What Can Lancing Traders’ Association Do For Your Business?
The Lancing Traders Association (LTA) was set up in 2018 after a number of traders met up to discuss how we could make a positive difference to the Lancing shopping areas. As a result of this and subsequent meetings, a committee was formed, and a constitution drawn up. Since then we have nearly 30 paid up members and we have made great strides in getting Lancing “on the map” with both the Lancing Parish and Adur & Worthing Councils.

As a voluntary group, we aim to positively affect the areas listed below:
1. Increase footfall in the main shopping areas;
2. Liaise with the various Councils and interested parties to try and rectify issues for local business;
3. Hold events to raise the profile of Lancing and its vibrant business community;
4. Work in partnership with other business and trade bodies such as the Lancing Business Park;
5. Organise networking meetings so that the LTA members can understand what each other does and hopefully promote each other’s goods and services.
Following the COVID Pandemic crisis we are actively looking at ways we can help the business.
Community to create a buzz around Lancing. One project that is currently underway is a website directory to allow members and non-members to advertise their business online. We are also looking at reinstating face to face meetings so that we can get members together to find out what their priorities are in Lancing.
Also on the agenda is attracting more members to the LTA and also more committee members. We are always on the lookout for people who feel as passionately as we do about the Lancing business community and would like to meet anyone that would like to get more involved.
For more information on the LTA’s work or to find out how you can get involved, please contact us at lancingtradersassociation@outlook.com or contact Heidi Rush on 01903 754107
To download a PDF version of the application form PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK
Here are some of things we are working on for the future
- Launching Lancing Business Week
- Investigating launching a Gift or Loyalty Card Scheme
- Networking Events
- Supporting the Local Markets
- Working with the Council to deliver funds where they are needed
- Lancing Walkaround
- Working with other community groups in Adur