Following on from the success of last year’s Lancing Business Week, we are pleased to announce our 2023 event.
This year’s events are scheduled to occur the week from 24th to the 29th April 2023. Last year’s Networking and Workshops proved helpful, informative and popular by all who attended and we are aiming to repeat this success.
Monday 24th April
The Lion’s Pad: in conjunction with Sir Robert Woodward Academy we proud to be organising a junior Dragon Den. Due to the location and young people involved this will be a closed event. The young people’s ideas and proposals will be closely scrutinised by a number of top local business people. The winner will be given £250 towards developing their idea further. We hope to publicise the winner at a later date.
LTA Curry Night: Local business people will get together over a curry for a fun and very informal evening. Venue: Naaz Restaurant, North Road. Time: 5pm – Late Pre-payment will be required. Please book and pay on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lta-curry-night-tickets-603779158717
Tuesday 25th April
Afternoon Tea: Join us for afternoon tea. We have a key note speaker – Duncan Anderson, CEO of the awarding winning Southdowns Leisure. He will be talking about his business journey with sustainability. We will also have two people from the HMRC Research team, who live locally and want your ideas and thoughts about some of the services the HMRC provide. See below for more information about the guest speakers. FREE Event: Venue: Freedom Works Fabric Time: 2pm to 5pm. To book please visit the Eventbrite website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/600112301047
Wednesday 26th April
Speed Networking: This is a joint event with Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce. Join us for a lunchtime event that will have you buzzing all afternoon. FREE EVENT Venue: Freedom Works Fabric. Time: 12pm – 2.30pm. To book please head over to Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/600124958907

Thursday 27th April
Lancing Now and into the Future:
Update on the exciting development plans that are currently being looked at for the Lancing area by both the Parish Council and Adur Council. FREE EVENT – Venue: Freedom Works Fabric Time 8am – 9.30am. To book please head over to Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/600397995567
To learn more about this work please head over to our Blog Post > https://lancingtraders.org/lancing-now-and-into-the-future-update/
Business Workshops: We have lined up an array of local and national knowledge and talented business owners waiting to support you around using Social Media for business, IT infrastructure and how Barclays Eagle Labs can help your business with its fantastic resources. Don’t miss this event! See below about the guest speakers for these workshops / presentations.
How to Win Business Awards – A Masterclass: Zoë Stannard (ColourFull Kitchens) and Martin Bloomfield (Seaside Creative) will explain how they have been successful at winning awards.
FREE EVENT – Venue: Freedom Works Fabric. Time: 2pm to 5pm To book please head over to Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/600519649437
Friday 28th April
Lancing Business Week Awards Winners Celebration: A chance for the community to say thank you to to those deserving of recognition around the Lancing Business Community. This event was launchedat Lancing Market on the 1st April. To vote online please visit this page > https://lancingtraders.org/high-street-awards/ The deadline is 21st April.
More about our speakers for our 25th April event
Take part in research with HMRC As a business you have probably interacted with HMRC many times either online, on the phone or by email or letter. Whilst using these services have you ever felt you’d like to talk to the people who designed a service or give feedback to help make it better. If you have, then this is the session for you.
HMRC actively looks for people who own and run businesses to take part in research to help shape the services that they offer. This one hour session will tell you all about the types of research we run at HMRC, why we do this and how you can get involved. You will also be able to take part in some interactive research on the day – we promise it will be fun.
Lorna Tang is leading a project to ‘Improve the diversity, equity, and inclusion in HMRC user research participants’ Her core mission is to increase the awareness of research happening within HMRC and encourage people to get involved.

Manda Rubython leads research within the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) (an executive agency of HMRC) with a focus on Business Rates services. She regularly runs research for teams working on existing and new services to help communicate what people need or where they struggle.

Key Note Speaker Duncan Anderson
Duncan has worked in the Leisure industry for over 30 years. He started as a lifeguard in Southampton before going back to study at Surrey University in the mid 90’s. In 2000 Duncan gained a scholarship with Rotary on their group study exchange programme in Malaysia. Whilst here he worked at the Commonwealth Games complex in Kuala Lumpa.
Duncan has been involved in 6 new build projects with the largest being Splashpoint in Worthing and the most recent being Sea Lanes in Brighton where they are building the National Open Water Swimming Centre and possibly the first new Lido since the 1930’s. In 2014 Duncan set up the Charity South Downs Leisure and became the founder CEO. Whilst navigating the business through COVID he wrote a Sustainability strategy and in 2022 South Downs Leisure were awarded the Sustainable Business of the year at the Adur & Worthing Business Awards.

They were also the national finalists at the British Association for sustainability in sport awards where they were competing with the Commonwealth games team from Birmingham and Liverpool Football Club. Duncan is passionate about optimising sustainability at South Downs Leisure and has adopted the triple bottom line approach of People, Planet, Profit.
More about our speakers for our 27th April event
Claire Johnson, Ecosystem Manager from Barclays Eagle Labs. Barclays Eagle Labs is a national network of incubator spaces designed to help entrepreneurs and ambitious businesses to innovate and scale. With a number of Eagle Labs across the country, our focus is to help accelerate UK scale-ups, promote collaborative innovation and enable access to new and emerging technologies. We provide business incubation, growth programmes, mentoring and co-working and office space for ambitious high-growth businesses, as well as learning and insight expertise.
Sarah Wylie, from It’s Pzazz is a Lancing based Social Media Specialist, who provide business of all sizes with social media support to suit their budget and needs! Sarah’s Masterclass will leave you with some amazing tips on how to wow!

Charlie Spratt is part of the well establish North Star IT team based on Lancing Business Park. In Charlie’s masterclass he will give you his top tips on how to stay cyber and IT safe.

Our Masterclass afternoon rounds off with the mother of all masterclasses. Zoë Stannard of ColourFull Kitchens

and Martin Bloomfield of Seaside Creative will impart their wisdom and experiences of applying for but most importantly winning business awards. Both proven business awards winners in their own right, what an amazing opportunity to learn from the best.