Adur Collective Community Land Trust (ACCLT)

Everyone deserves a safe, secure, and affordable home. Unfortunately, average wages in Adur are lower than the UK average and an estimated 83% of households in Adur with a current need are unlikely to have sufficient income to afford market housing.

Two young people holding s sign stating: "Affordable, decent and secure housing is a basic need."
Two young people supporting the ACCLT [Photo: ACCLT]

This lack of homes at affordable rents is the reason we formed the Adur Collective Community Land Trust (ACCLT) in 2020. ACCLT is incorporated as a community benefit society which allows us to use solid community support and a combination of community and commercial fundraising to provide truly affordable homes for the residents of Adur – in effect acting as a not-for-profit landlord.

Over the last two years we have recruited over three hundred members and are now focussing on raising capital to fund our first project. 

We have a small, resolute team committed to making ACCLT a success and are now looking for additional volunteers to join the team. We are currently keen to expand our board with additional skills in fundraising and social media – for full details contact . However, if you just want to help us when you can we would welcome anyone that shares our commitment to ensure everyone has a suitable home they can afford. 

Membership is open to both individuals and business for the sum of £1 and £10, respectively. You can find further details and join online at 

Adur Community Collective Land Trust
Author: Editor

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